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  • Emotions & Digestive Disorders

    About the Course

    With All the Changes You’ve Made to Your Eating Habits,
    Why Do You Still Have Digestive Issues?

    This Could Be the Missing Link…

    If you’ve ever attempted to change your diet or eating habits to feel better, you know how restrictive it can feel.

    Eating the “right” way can become another source of stress…

    …when veering off can cause digestive discomfort, physical pain, or other symptoms.

    And while it’s important to eat healthy for our body’s needs, the food we eat isn’t the only possible cause of our digestive challenges

    Stress and our emotions can also have a subtle but deep effect on the patterns that form in our digestion and health. If these deeper patterns aren’t addressed, we face a constant struggle to manage our health with food alone.

    Imagine you eliminate something from your diet, say it’s gluten, dairy or sugar.

      You feel better for a while, but then some other food starts to give you trouble. If you need to restrict your diet even further to avoid discomfort, you feel even more stressed. Then, if you eat the dairy, gluten, or sugar, it’s even worse than it was before.

      So why isn’t your digestion improving? Because the deeper underlying cause hasn’t been addressed.

      This new course, “Emotions & Digestive Disorders: The Missing Link to Complete Healing,” is the first to focus on how to address emotions to heal the body.

      This course begins by exploring four major categories of digestive issues:

      • constipation
      • diverticular diseases
      • ulcerative and inflammatory diseases
      • cancerous and benign growths

      Whether or not you suffer from any of these specific conditions, you’ll learn how to develop the emotional awareness to help heal your own body as well.

      Dr. Siva will take you through an exploration of both the physical and emotional causes for these conditions, and show:

      • some real-life client case studies that will inspire you,
      • Western and Ayurvedic explanations for each disease,
      • psychospiritual patterns to become aware of and address,
      • Ayurvedic healing methods that support the emotional body,
      • And specific breathing practices (pranayama) that immediately balance the channels of the mind and emotions.

      This approach allows us to reach the emotional roots of the issue from an indirect and powerful angle.

      Emotions and Digestive Disorders: The Missing Link to Complete Healing” with Dr. Siva Mohan, MD MPH, is a 3-hour course filmed in beautiful HD video, available on DVD or instant online streaming with a complete text companion.

      This course is for you if:

      1. You have actively struggled with any digestive or health issues that haven’t fully responded to changes in diet alone.
      2. You feel stressed around needs to restrict your diet and want to learn how emotional awareness may improve your digestion and experience of life.
      3. You are fascinated with the holistic approach to health, including the mind-body-spirit connection, and want to learn more.
      4. You’d like more insight into supporting the complete health of your family and friends.
      5. You’re an Ayurveda or health professional interested in learning more about emotional awareness to support your patients.

      Get instant access to entire course (which means you can watch the course online on your desktop, smartphone, or tablet!)


      a free e-text companion

      Not just this, also download your COMPLIMENTARY Course Completion Certificate

      After you complete watching the course, your Complimentary Course Completion Certificate awaits you. This can be easily downloaded and shared or printed.


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      Begin your journey on this path today!

      About the Author

      Dr. Siva Mohan, M.D. MPH

      Dr. Siva began her path to healing in neuroscience, and this sparked her interest in the mind-body connection. In Medical School and during her Public Health Masters, she focused her studies on an extension of the mind-body relationship: the effects of community, development, and culture on health behavior.

      For Dr. Mohan, consulting in international public health seemed to revolve around a central question: How do we encourage certain health behavior in different settings around the world?

      Several years later, Siva shares the wisdom of Ayurveda in a supportive, individualized and holistic way.

      With an M.D. (focus in psychiatry) and a Masters in Public Health, Siva brings a unique and integrative approach to Ayurveda. This combined with her personal and professional studies in Vedic thought have nurtured her niche: expanding Ayurveda with psychospiritual healing.

      Siva teaches at festivals and conferences (e.g. Bhaktifest, Bali Spirit, Moksha, Assn. of Ayurvedic Physicians); develops curriculum and teaches for YogaWorks; and teaches at the nation’s premier Yoga Studies Masters Program at Loyola Marymount University in LA. Siva is the founder/director of LA’s celebration of the Vedic arts, Veda MeLA.

      Dr. Mohan’s perspectives have been recently featured in Marie Claire, Well + Good, LAYoga, Real Simple, First for Women magazines, amongst others. Her private practice has been featured on KCLA TV, Veria TV, and she is a featured expert on several online wellness portals (LivingHealthy, BanyanBotanicals, Curejoy, Ayurvedanextdoor, Mom.me, Bodhi Tree).

      Course Contents

      Module 1: Introduction

      Connect with your instructor, Dr. Siva Mohan.

      Module 2:  Course Overview

      What you’ll be learning, why it’s important, and how to take action.

      Module 3: Defining Psychospiritual

      The subtle patterns behind physical health.

      Module 4: Ayurveda Overview

      The “Science of Life” that shows us how to live in harmony with Nature.

      Module 5: Relationship Between Digestion & Emotions

      Specific connections between our feeling patterns and digestive symptoms.

      Module 6: Chronic Constipation

      An overview of the causes of functional chronic constipation (those with a strong physical reason) and the Ayurvedic perspective on them. Get to know which dosha needs balancing, where the emotional roots lie, and the Ayurvedic healing approaches such as breathwork (pranayama), detox or cleansing practices, diet and lifestyle changes, and mental strengthening practices.

      Module 7: Diverticular Diseases

      A look at what's happening in the body, including the emotional roots and Ayurvedic healing approaches such as diet and lifestyle changes, pranayama practices, detoxes, and mental strengthening. 

      Module 8: Ulcerative and Inflammatory Diseases

      Why our bodies mount the inflammatory response is unknown in Western medicine. From an Ayurvedic standpoint, the infection andthe inflammation are both a result of a dosha excess or imbalance.  Learn to find the emotional roots and take Ayurvedic healing approaches.

      Module 9: Polyps and Cancer

      From the Western perspective, we don’t have a clear reason for why polyps form, and why they are more prominent for some. In Ayurveda, we have a more clear etiology. Learn about the emotional roots & Ayurvedic healing approaches such as cleansing & detoxing, a dosha-specific diet, breathwork, and decreasing accumulation.

      Module 10: Summary of Key Points

      Reviewing the essence of the lessons in this program.