That’s because the body lost volume faster than the skin could ‘shrink’ to stay tight around the body. Many resort to plastic surgery, and sometimes consistent exercise and a healthy, nutritious diet is enough to help the skin get back into shape over time.
Such cases are unrelated to age and can occur even in adolescents. But, because elastin production is still optimally active in younger people, the skin can bounce back to its original state (though it may take several months – just like after pregnancy).
But if you’ve blown out your fair share of birthday candles over the years and suddenly noticed the skin on your upper arms to ‘jiggle’ more than usual... your body’s elastin production has likely taken a backseat. Elastin is responsible for the elasticity of skin, and collagen for its firmness and suppleness. As we age, both usually slow down hand-in-hand.
Ayurveda has a kinder explanation for it. In our life, we go through three stages of life: Kapha, Pitta, and Vata – which are also the three doshas or bio-elements in Ayurveda.
Kapha consists of the elements of earth and water and is associated with oiliness, juiciness, heaviness. Kapha is the first stage of life – just think of a baby’s juicy and plump skin and the expression “baby soft skin”.
Pitta consists of the elements of fire and water and is associated with heat, sharpness, and determination. Pitta is the second or middle stage of life – just think of a teenager’s acne and hot temper, or a young adult’s drive and ambition.
Vata consists of the elements of air and space and is associated with dryness, lightness, alertness and creativity. In the Vata stage of life, we experience dry, rough and sagging skin, we may feel cold more often, but also reach maturity, wisdom, grace and mastery. During this time, it’s important to focus on practices that are warming, stabilizing, grounding and nourishing.
Now that you know that mature, sagging, or drooping skin is a result of the dry Vata stage of life, let’s find which Ayurvedic practices can help rejuvenate saggy Vata skin!